This is a follow up review to the original review of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Link to the original:
While Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth was a game I enjoyed when playing it on the Playstation Vita, there were some glaring problems with it when it comes to the polish of the game. From localization errors to not making story event changes depending on the player characters gender, it gave the game an awkward charm to it that players will either like, or hate. As a quick follow up to that review though, the game has come out on the Switch, and has it made any improvements in that department?
Short answer, no. In fact, using patch 1.01, it's even worse, but in an amazing way that I am surprised did not get caught earlier on in development. There isn't much to add to the presentation, it looks and sounds as good as it did on the Vita, but thanks to the Switch's Sleep Mode, and the Digi bank, it is shocking how quickly you can get powerful Digimon as the game doesn't stop counting playtime while the console is in Sleep Mode. According to the in-game clock, I've put in over 114 hours and am barely into Chapter 3 (at time of writing). According to the console though, I've put in somewhere between 10 and 20 hours. In that time, I already have 15 Ultimate Level Digimon, most of them in the level 20s to 40s, purely by having the game running in sleep mode. I honestly struggle to call that a glitch because of how easy it is to catch and use. It's baffling to me that something like that wasn't caught before release, but considering as the game gives you several Mega level Digimon in the form of smaller versions of the Royal Knights for free, I can't help but wonder if it was intentional or not.
Presentation-wise though, this is still basically the same game, just with the extra DLC (not counting the Vita themes). Some of the visual problems are more obvious now, such as some stiff animations here and there, but it does look like the localization hasn't been improved either, as I did notice some odd word choices in cutscenes every now and then. The soundtrack is still good, and fitting for the game, but some parts of the game that I didn't do in the initial playthrough, such as the Digimon missing items in Kowloon are annoying to do and were probably worse to do on the Vita. Seriously, who's idea was it to put white sparkly things for items in a dungeon that has the primary colours of light blue and white?!
Is it worth a double-dip? That depends. For me, the main reason to get it was to get Hackers Memory, a prequel to the events of the story that I'm hoping to get a proper review of done sometime in the new year, as that game only came out to the PS4. It's a solid game to play on the go and being honest, most people reading this probably don't have a Vita around, and the better investment is to get a Switch (unless you're committed to PS4 Remote Play?). Worth a look if you can find it on sale at least, but that's without judging the second half of the package.
Showing posts with label ps4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ps4. Show all posts
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Kingdom Hearts Marathon; Kingdom Hearts 3.... D; Dream Drop Distance: So close, yet so, so far.
Kind of a low brow moment don't you think? This was the 10th-anniversary game, and to do that painful tease of calling it Kingdom Hearts 3D?
And so, with Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out this week, it's time to look at the game that's closely tied to the events of it, including pulling another Chain of Memories and justifying why Sora's back to Level 1. Kingdom Hearts 3D, the only Kingdom Hearts game on the 3DS, and lost the whole 3D thing when it went to PS4... which would make this Kingdom Hearts 3? It makes more sense then Nomura talking about it like it's 2.6 at least. Welcome to a review of that one game where two guys overdose on sleeping tablets and played Nintendogs a lot (or Pokemon Amie, your choice).
And so, with Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out this week, it's time to look at the game that's closely tied to the events of it, including pulling another Chain of Memories and justifying why Sora's back to Level 1. Kingdom Hearts 3D, the only Kingdom Hearts game on the 3DS, and lost the whole 3D thing when it went to PS4... which would make this Kingdom Hearts 3? It makes more sense then Nomura talking about it like it's 2.6 at least. Welcome to a review of that one game where two guys overdose on sleeping tablets and played Nintendogs a lot (or Pokemon Amie, your choice).
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Kingdom Hearts Marathon; Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: With the exception of Evil Mc Wigglefingers, did anyone want to know the answers to these questions?
As much as that might sound like a joke, the best way to describe Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep's plot is to ask that question because that's all this really is. Like with all the non-numbered games, it exists to answer questions. What doesn't help this though was that it was made for the PlayStation Portable, and until relatively recently, was the only place you could play it (unless it got a PlayStation Vita port on the shop, though considering how well that did, you could make the argument that my point still stands). Thankfully though, there are other ways to play it now. So how does it improve on from Kingdom Hearts 2, and the other handheld spinoffs?
Kingdom Hearts,
Kingdom Hearts Marathon,
square enix
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Kingdom Hearts Marathon; Kingdom Hearts 2: What happened to the rails?
One critique often made against Tetsuya Nomura is that while he's great (most of the time) at self-contained stories, he struggles to follow them up with sequels and a continuous narrative. The biggest offender of this? This very franchise, because while the individual stories are relatively strong (provided you like the story structure), trying to piece them together becomes a nightmare worse than figuring out what is and isn't canon in a comic. Allow me to give you a taste of this as we tackle the sequel to Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2...
Kingdom Hearts,
Kingdom Hearts Marathon,
square enix,
video games
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Kingdom Hearts Marathon; Kingdom Hearts: Time for a trip into absolute madness
My apologies for the sparatic content last month. Work, Christmas, and what happened to my grandfather took their toll on the sites and basically killed DCember 2018. The lesson of the day kids? Make a backlog, something that I will try and commit to this year. In the meantime, with Kingdom Hearts 3 on the horizon, let's begin to tackle a game series that, against all odds, somehow exists. Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts marathon.
Disney, Final Fantasy. Two things that most sane people would not think to put into the same sentence, let alone go the distance and make a game on it, and then to go even further with at least thirteen (oh Arceus I just thought of something about that... more on that next week) games, a card game, manga and novels. along with countless other bits of merchandise. It's honestly quite baffling that this exists, especially when you consider that all of this started cause one guy happened to be in the right place at the right time, yet here we are, with one of the biggest releases of the month being the Third game, while also being the thirteenth game, so long before I get to Kingdom Hearts 3 (as I still don't have the console to play it), let's look at the first game, that's also the fifth game? I think that's right at least... or maybe it's the forth because one of those is just cutscenes based on a mobile game...Kingdom Hearts.
Disney, Final Fantasy. Two things that most sane people would not think to put into the same sentence, let alone go the distance and make a game on it, and then to go even further with at least thirteen (oh Arceus I just thought of something about that... more on that next week) games, a card game, manga and novels. along with countless other bits of merchandise. It's honestly quite baffling that this exists, especially when you consider that all of this started cause one guy happened to be in the right place at the right time, yet here we are, with one of the biggest releases of the month being the Third game, while also being the thirteenth game, so long before I get to Kingdom Hearts 3 (as I still don't have the console to play it), let's look at the first game, that's also the fifth game? I think that's right at least... or maybe it's the forth because one of those is just cutscenes based on a mobile game...Kingdom Hearts.
Kingdom Hearts,
Kingdom Hearts Marathon,
square enix
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
DCember Prologue; Lego DC Supervillains:Well, at least I'm not smelling corporate bias?
It is no secret that I hated Lego Marvel Superheroes 2. I
personally found it a slog to go through, the DLC was broken, the over world
wasn’t fun to travel through, the levels got shorter as I went through, and
even at the 100% mark, I never really felt satisfied with the experience. I got
so mad at the experience that I was genuinely considering not getting another
one, and became extremely cynical towards DC Super villains. Against my better
judgement, I picked up DC Super villains thinking that, at the very least, it
would be a good review for this week, seeing as most of, if not all of next
month’s content is going to be focused on DC. Was I wrong to be so overly
cautious? In a word: No. It’s times like this when I’m glad I don’t do number
scores or submit reviews to Metacritic and the like, because I’d probably piss
someone off at WB for this, not that it matters, I don’t get review copies, and
any ad space they may get here is through Google, not me.
multi console,
nintendo switch,
video games,
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Sonic Forces: Apparently I am doing this alone
Relax, I'm not going to compare it to Super Mario Odyssey. Too many others have, I want to be somewhat original here.
Well, time to see if my thoughts on the game are still as high as they were when it was announced, huh? Back in that awful livestream when Sonic Mania was announced, Sonic Forces was also teased, and I remember saying I was looking forward to it (proof of that being in the Podcast episode with Marcus talking about the event). As time went on though, that excitement was quickly draining. The first big sign was how much of a promotion Mania was getting by comparison, and even after Mania was released, the promotion never really seemed to be there for Forces. In fact, I wasn't seeing any excitement for the game aside from the memes with the Avatar, and the cross promotion with Hooters of all things (I still don't get that either). If anything, most of what I was was negativity and hate, at least from what I saw. Is it really worth it now that the game's out? Well...
To start with the plot and, I know this is going to sound weird, but while the story is awful, the writing is solid overall with some great lines. The overall story is garbage and one of the worst Sonic stories because the tone is all over the place. What do you think of when you get a story that's about a rising revolution to take back the world from evil? Was your answer "anthropromorphic animals saying cheesy one liners that kill the grim tone the story is trying to do"? No? Well too bad as that's what's here. While that isn't a bad thing, as the character writing is some of the best the series has ever had, it just doesn't work in this setting at all. Sonic and co are on point with great writing in their dialogue, but that can lead to bad payoffs. For example, the little promotional material given was trying to build up Infinite as something mysterious. Wanna know his backstory? He was a hired thug that Shadow beat up and got pissed off. "Sonic was being tortured for six months", yet has Sonic act like nothing ever happens once we see him again. Heck, you know how the game was promoting the return of Metal Sonic, Chaos 0 and Shadow as villains along with that red guy for Sonic Lost World? Well, Chaos 0 and Shadow are beaten up in cutscenes, you only fight Metal Sonic, Infinite, Eggman and that reg guy from Lost World. It feels underwhelming by every stretch of the imagination due to the shifting tone.
In terms of gameplay, while I had fun with the levels overall (oh primus that Casino Level as Classic Sonic is awful), it still felt unrewarding, like the levels are just hitting their stride once they end. A lot of the Metropolis (no not that one) levels are really fun to play through along with the ones on the Death Egg for Modern Sonic and the Avatar, but I don't get the satisfaction from them that I got from something like Rooftop Run, Empire City, Starlight Carnival, and more, and that's with all the collectibles as a large chunk of the red rings I was finding without even trying, though there was an unhealthy mix of "ok, how the hell was I supposed to think to do that?" to get them. In terms of a gamplay break up. Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic do still play almost as they did in Generations. However there are some control changes (why is jump and homing attack mapped to the B button?!) and Classic sonic actually feels worse to play here then he does in Generations. I don't know if that's the level design, or an engine change, but I can't even say "No, he doesn't have the same "physics", but he's still playable" because he feels clunky and in levels like "Not Casino Night", I get genuinely angry at the game because I know Pinball physics (I like playing Pinball games ok?), and that felt awful. Shadow plays close enough to Modern Sonic that I think there should be a Shadow mode in boost formula going forward, as for the Avatar, like the Werehog, it was fun, but not needed.
The Avatar plays as a Modern Sonic without the boost and a few extra tricks. Which is fine as the new tricks lead to some interesting level design. The Grapple acts as both your homing attack and a way to use grapple points which sometimes leads you to new paths, while the Whispons let you use Whisps to attack and provide ways to get to new paths and secrets, along with new ways to defeat enemies. Only problem is that there's little reason to swap the weapon around. I just stuck with the Electric Whispon unless I needed to swap. The Character Customization is also solid with lots of combinations, but I found one specific limitation (combining chest and back as just "Body", meaning I couldn't wear a shirt and a backpack as an example) annoying while the UI quickly became a mess. There were times where I wanted to see the brand new stuff I got to quickly add, but lost the item in the mess of gear. I personally didn't notice if there was a way to sort gear into "new acquisitions" either which didn't help. Honestly the only reason why I think the Avatar isn't needed is the Avatar itself. I'd have preferred the gameplay be given to a character with a personality, like Tails. I can say that with some certainty because the Modern Sonic and Avatar levels just scream "Modern Sonic and Modern Tails gameplay".
Presentation is another mixed bag honestly. Visually, the game looks great on the surface, but some individual animations look really stiff, and these animations aren't easy to miss either. Worst offender for me is Shadow in the scene where the two armies clash. Soundtrack is a similar situation where some are good, but nothing's great, and even Fist Bump is just kinda "ehh" at best (I really hate the way its structured honestly). To be honest, overall the soundtrack felt like white noise. It was there, but it just there, it never stood out. I'm listening to the soundtrack as I write this and even on its own, it doesn't stand out, and I wish I didn't have to say that about a Sonic soundtrack.
In fact, "ehh: is probably the best way to describe the experience overall to be honest. Nothing absolutely stands out, what good bits are in the game finish too soon, and the bad bits are abundant. Forces is not the worst Sonic game. Nowhere close to 06 or Boom. However it is the worst boost formula Sonic game beyond a shadow of a doubt and it shows the biggest problem plaguing Sonic Team right now, a lack of trust in their ideas. While I'm not going to compare the game to Odyssey. I will compare it to Mania. When you break down the differences
Sonic Mania: 2D game that plays like the original games with new levels and older levels getting new geometry, with a story akin to the older games where its there, but not the center of attention.
Sonic Forces: 3D game that plays like Unleashed with the 2D gameplay of Generations, and a avatar that's a watered down of the main 3D gameplay with extra gimmicks, and Shadow who's another slightly watered down of the core 3D game, with a story that feels more like a focus, but with nothing making it crucial to the game.
Notice how Forces sounds more complicated, more scrambled? There's no focus because instead of sticking to one idea, and designing ideas that compliment that one idea, they just threw everything in and hoped for the best. And it didn't work. At all. I get that a part of why this game feels rushed was the development of the new engine. But at the same time I don't see that as an excuse, because Unleashed was the debut of a new engine and that game felt complete, like it wasn't rushed at all. Here, they had to patch in Super Sonic, and even then he's still unobtainable in the game. If the engine was going to take that long to make, why not start making the levels in the old engine and then port them to the new engine to finish them? When a game four years in development still feels rushed, there's a big problem. From where I sit, Sonic Team needs fresh blood, and a focus. I don't care what that focus is. But Sonic needs to find something to stick to, to refine, to improve. Sonic needs an identity in the 3D space, or at least an identity at all. I don't want 3D development on Sonic to stop, but it does feel like a possibility based on how well Mania did, and how badly Forces is doing by comparison. Now, while myself and Marissa play Pokemon Ultra Moon (neither of us started playing Ultra Sun...), some smaller projects in the meantime. Such as Machinima's Combiner Wars, because I'll cash in on that Titans Return cross promo.
Well, time to see if my thoughts on the game are still as high as they were when it was announced, huh? Back in that awful livestream when Sonic Mania was announced, Sonic Forces was also teased, and I remember saying I was looking forward to it (proof of that being in the Podcast episode with Marcus talking about the event). As time went on though, that excitement was quickly draining. The first big sign was how much of a promotion Mania was getting by comparison, and even after Mania was released, the promotion never really seemed to be there for Forces. In fact, I wasn't seeing any excitement for the game aside from the memes with the Avatar, and the cross promotion with Hooters of all things (I still don't get that either). If anything, most of what I was was negativity and hate, at least from what I saw. Is it really worth it now that the game's out? Well...
To start with the plot and, I know this is going to sound weird, but while the story is awful, the writing is solid overall with some great lines. The overall story is garbage and one of the worst Sonic stories because the tone is all over the place. What do you think of when you get a story that's about a rising revolution to take back the world from evil? Was your answer "anthropromorphic animals saying cheesy one liners that kill the grim tone the story is trying to do"? No? Well too bad as that's what's here. While that isn't a bad thing, as the character writing is some of the best the series has ever had, it just doesn't work in this setting at all. Sonic and co are on point with great writing in their dialogue, but that can lead to bad payoffs. For example, the little promotional material given was trying to build up Infinite as something mysterious. Wanna know his backstory? He was a hired thug that Shadow beat up and got pissed off. "Sonic was being tortured for six months", yet has Sonic act like nothing ever happens once we see him again. Heck, you know how the game was promoting the return of Metal Sonic, Chaos 0 and Shadow as villains along with that red guy for Sonic Lost World? Well, Chaos 0 and Shadow are beaten up in cutscenes, you only fight Metal Sonic, Infinite, Eggman and that reg guy from Lost World. It feels underwhelming by every stretch of the imagination due to the shifting tone.
In terms of gameplay, while I had fun with the levels overall (oh primus that Casino Level as Classic Sonic is awful), it still felt unrewarding, like the levels are just hitting their stride once they end. A lot of the Metropolis (no not that one) levels are really fun to play through along with the ones on the Death Egg for Modern Sonic and the Avatar, but I don't get the satisfaction from them that I got from something like Rooftop Run, Empire City, Starlight Carnival, and more, and that's with all the collectibles as a large chunk of the red rings I was finding without even trying, though there was an unhealthy mix of "ok, how the hell was I supposed to think to do that?" to get them. In terms of a gamplay break up. Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic do still play almost as they did in Generations. However there are some control changes (why is jump and homing attack mapped to the B button?!) and Classic sonic actually feels worse to play here then he does in Generations. I don't know if that's the level design, or an engine change, but I can't even say "No, he doesn't have the same "physics", but he's still playable" because he feels clunky and in levels like "Not Casino Night", I get genuinely angry at the game because I know Pinball physics (I like playing Pinball games ok?), and that felt awful. Shadow plays close enough to Modern Sonic that I think there should be a Shadow mode in boost formula going forward, as for the Avatar, like the Werehog, it was fun, but not needed.
The Avatar plays as a Modern Sonic without the boost and a few extra tricks. Which is fine as the new tricks lead to some interesting level design. The Grapple acts as both your homing attack and a way to use grapple points which sometimes leads you to new paths, while the Whispons let you use Whisps to attack and provide ways to get to new paths and secrets, along with new ways to defeat enemies. Only problem is that there's little reason to swap the weapon around. I just stuck with the Electric Whispon unless I needed to swap. The Character Customization is also solid with lots of combinations, but I found one specific limitation (combining chest and back as just "Body", meaning I couldn't wear a shirt and a backpack as an example) annoying while the UI quickly became a mess. There were times where I wanted to see the brand new stuff I got to quickly add, but lost the item in the mess of gear. I personally didn't notice if there was a way to sort gear into "new acquisitions" either which didn't help. Honestly the only reason why I think the Avatar isn't needed is the Avatar itself. I'd have preferred the gameplay be given to a character with a personality, like Tails. I can say that with some certainty because the Modern Sonic and Avatar levels just scream "Modern Sonic and Modern Tails gameplay".
Presentation is another mixed bag honestly. Visually, the game looks great on the surface, but some individual animations look really stiff, and these animations aren't easy to miss either. Worst offender for me is Shadow in the scene where the two armies clash. Soundtrack is a similar situation where some are good, but nothing's great, and even Fist Bump is just kinda "ehh" at best (I really hate the way its structured honestly). To be honest, overall the soundtrack felt like white noise. It was there, but it just there, it never stood out. I'm listening to the soundtrack as I write this and even on its own, it doesn't stand out, and I wish I didn't have to say that about a Sonic soundtrack.
In fact, "ehh: is probably the best way to describe the experience overall to be honest. Nothing absolutely stands out, what good bits are in the game finish too soon, and the bad bits are abundant. Forces is not the worst Sonic game. Nowhere close to 06 or Boom. However it is the worst boost formula Sonic game beyond a shadow of a doubt and it shows the biggest problem plaguing Sonic Team right now, a lack of trust in their ideas. While I'm not going to compare the game to Odyssey. I will compare it to Mania. When you break down the differences
Sonic Mania: 2D game that plays like the original games with new levels and older levels getting new geometry, with a story akin to the older games where its there, but not the center of attention.
Sonic Forces: 3D game that plays like Unleashed with the 2D gameplay of Generations, and a avatar that's a watered down of the main 3D gameplay with extra gimmicks, and Shadow who's another slightly watered down of the core 3D game, with a story that feels more like a focus, but with nothing making it crucial to the game.
Notice how Forces sounds more complicated, more scrambled? There's no focus because instead of sticking to one idea, and designing ideas that compliment that one idea, they just threw everything in and hoped for the best. And it didn't work. At all. I get that a part of why this game feels rushed was the development of the new engine. But at the same time I don't see that as an excuse, because Unleashed was the debut of a new engine and that game felt complete, like it wasn't rushed at all. Here, they had to patch in Super Sonic, and even then he's still unobtainable in the game. If the engine was going to take that long to make, why not start making the levels in the old engine and then port them to the new engine to finish them? When a game four years in development still feels rushed, there's a big problem. From where I sit, Sonic Team needs fresh blood, and a focus. I don't care what that focus is. But Sonic needs to find something to stick to, to refine, to improve. Sonic needs an identity in the 3D space, or at least an identity at all. I don't want 3D development on Sonic to stop, but it does feel like a possibility based on how well Mania did, and how badly Forces is doing by comparison. Now, while myself and Marissa play Pokemon Ultra Moon (neither of us started playing Ultra Sun...), some smaller projects in the meantime. Such as Machinima's Combiner Wars, because I'll cash in on that Titans Return cross promo.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Mediaholics Review: Sonic Mania
One big mascot platformer return to form, at least one more to go. Bubsy's... debatable if he counts. And Look! WE'RE DOING A VIDEO REVIEW ON SOMETHING THAT ISN'T POKEMON!!!
multi console,
nintendo switch,
video review,
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: “She’s had her body digitized, she hasn’t had a sex change” #BlameKurata
So... this week's review has tentacle monsters, clothing designs that raise more questions then answers in terms of usefulness, a tentacle monster that evolves to use a teenage girl as a energy weapon, and was made in Japan. I swear this isn't a hentai. This one was recommended to me by a store clerk when I
was picking up another Digimon game, Digimon All Star Rumble. Once I finished
with Shantae, I gave it a shot, just for a different style of RPG. And… well it
is different, at least for me, forewarn I haven’t played Atlus RPG’s so if some
of these feel tamed by comparison to it, you don’t need to bring it up, I’ve
heard. I’ll be using the PSVita version for review, and there is free DLC and
themes for the game, should you be into those.
namco bandai,
video games
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero: Time to dance
Time to do a follow up to the first impressions post, which you can find here: . This isn't going to be too much longer, mainly because it turned out I was actually further into the game then I thought I was. I haven't gone back yet to do a New game plus run yet, as unlike Fire Emblem fates, I'm letting it simmer a bit before going back to it. So, care to dance through the danger?
multi console,
wii u,
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Opening Impressions: Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero
Did this literally just come out? Yes. Did I back it on Kickstarter? No. Why am I doing this now? Because I haven't had the time to do the impressions I promised last week, going to do a Christmas review on Sunday, and was playing this on my Vita on the train ride to and from work today, so I have it on the mind. Lets do this!
multi console,
Opening Impressions,
wii u,
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
LEGO Dimensions: Who be th' bad guy in 'tis again?
If ye don't like th' scurvy pirate shout, thar be a version 'o 'tis review in normal English here:
'tis was also a direct copy paste from 'tis site here: due to 'tis bein' more 'o a gag, so excuse any weird spellin' from th' tavern. I did give a go' 'n catch all 'o them. Now onto th' review savvy.
No seriously, who? thar be someone tryin' to reconstruct th' multiverses 'n rebuild them in his own image, but we break a lot 'o thin's in these games, th' golden rule be "If it's made 'o LEGO, it can be destroyed" after all. Though then again, 'tis be th' opposite extreme to th' LEGO movie, which was all 'bout followin' instructions to th' letter 'n killin' imagination...
'tis was also a direct copy paste from 'tis site here: due to 'tis bein' more 'o a gag, so excuse any weird spellin' from th' tavern. I did give a go' 'n catch all 'o them. Now onto th' review savvy.
No seriously, who? thar be someone tryin' to reconstruct th' multiverses 'n rebuild them in his own image, but we break a lot 'o thin's in these games, th' golden rule be "If it's made 'o LEGO, it can be destroyed" after all. Though then again, 'tis be th' opposite extreme to th' LEGO movie, which was all 'bout followin' instructions to th' letter 'n killin' imagination...
![]() |
"Totally not gettin' 'tis when it comes out, what would ever gift ye that idea..." |
lego dimensions,
multi character,
multi console,
toys to life,
video games,
wii u,
x-box 360,
LEGO Dimensions: Who is the bad guy in this again?
Very quick, before going on as this is before the joke of the title, while late, in the spirit of Talk like a Pirate Day, there is a version of this review in Pirate that you can see here:
No seriously, who? There is someone trying to reconstruct the multiverses and rebuild them in his own image, but we break a lot of things in these games, the golden rule is "If it’s made of LEGO, it can be destroyed" after all. Though then again, this is the opposite extreme to the LEGO movie, which was all about following instructions to the letter and killing imagination...
No seriously, who? There is someone trying to reconstruct the multiverses and rebuild them in his own image, but we break a lot of things in these games, the golden rule is "If it’s made of LEGO, it can be destroyed" after all. Though then again, this is the opposite extreme to the LEGO movie, which was all about following instructions to the letter and killing imagination...
![]() |
"Totally not getting this when it comes out, what would ever give you that idea..." |
lego dimensions,
multi character,
multi console,
toys to life,
video games,
wii u,
x-box 360,
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
First Impressions: Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero: *Insert obvious music refference here
Last post of this marathon. Remind me not to write these one after the other.
This is a series I've only recently herd of, even though it dates back to the Gameboy Colour. With my interest in Metroidvania's growing as I go on (still yet to actually finish a Castlevania, though my Metroid counter is at... one... again, new interest), new games have been appearing more and more in my feeds, one of them being this series, and with a new game being successfully kickstarted, thought I might as well throw this in while we were at it today, so: Shantae Half Genie Hero.
This is a series I've only recently herd of, even though it dates back to the Gameboy Colour. With my interest in Metroidvania's growing as I go on (still yet to actually finish a Castlevania, though my Metroid counter is at... one... again, new interest), new games have been appearing more and more in my feeds, one of them being this series, and with a new game being successfully kickstarted, thought I might as well throw this in while we were at it today, so: Shantae Half Genie Hero.
First Impressions: Need for Speed: Welcome back old friend
I know I harp on EA often, and not without good reason mind you. However, there was a time I loved their games... well, two in particular. Burnout 3: Takedown, which I still maintain to be one of the best party games I've ever played (yeah, you herd me Mario Party). And the Need for Speed series, especially Need for Speed Underground 2. One of the best gaming memories I have from when I was a child was when me and my father would boot up Underground 2 on the PS2, spend the afternoon building a car up from scratch and once we were done, sending them to the "City loop" track (I can't remember the name), and racing them to see who was the better driver... let's just say there's a reason why Burnout 3 was a fairer challenge, though I did get better. However, I haven't really followed the Need for Speed series as close as my father has, and even then he doesn't play it that much now. I loved watching him play Most Wanted and Undercover, but that was about it. I was going to do the same with this one... and then I saw E3...
One thing you should know about Need for Speed, no one cares about the plot. The plot's there to give you missions and races. Which is pretty much all you're doing in this game: Going from point A to point B, doing races, outrunning cops, and getting better cars to do the same thing. Its a mix of arcade racing and realistic racing games. Now I don't know how that will hold in this day and age, however it'll still have its audience.
One of the things I enjoyed about Underground 2 was the overworld. I completed races to unlock more areas to drive to more so then anything else, and I'm glad to see that back here. Basically this Need for Speed is a fusion of three others. The car customization from Underground 1 and 2, the pursuit from Most Wanted (and maybe Undercover, I don't know if you can drive Police cars as well) and the overworld of Carbon, one I have no experience playing, but I have seen in action and it looks like it was well designed... at least according to memory. Those alone have sold me on this, if the entire world is unlocked at the start, then I'm sold...
Unless this ends up suffering from some of the problems I have with the industry at the moment, and with it being EA, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I hope not, but I know there's a chance of it happening. I'll see you all soon for another game: Shantae 1/2 genie hero.
Yes, today is literally an experiment, I hope you like the flood of content, but don't expect this to be often, I'm not that crazy.
One thing you should know about Need for Speed, no one cares about the plot. The plot's there to give you missions and races. Which is pretty much all you're doing in this game: Going from point A to point B, doing races, outrunning cops, and getting better cars to do the same thing. Its a mix of arcade racing and realistic racing games. Now I don't know how that will hold in this day and age, however it'll still have its audience.
One of the things I enjoyed about Underground 2 was the overworld. I completed races to unlock more areas to drive to more so then anything else, and I'm glad to see that back here. Basically this Need for Speed is a fusion of three others. The car customization from Underground 1 and 2, the pursuit from Most Wanted (and maybe Undercover, I don't know if you can drive Police cars as well) and the overworld of Carbon, one I have no experience playing, but I have seen in action and it looks like it was well designed... at least according to memory. Those alone have sold me on this, if the entire world is unlocked at the start, then I'm sold...
Unless this ends up suffering from some of the problems I have with the industry at the moment, and with it being EA, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I hope not, but I know there's a chance of it happening. I'll see you all soon for another game: Shantae 1/2 genie hero.
Yes, today is literally an experiment, I hope you like the flood of content, but don't expect this to be often, I'm not that crazy.
First Impressions: Transformers Devastation: I'm getting him ready now
Probably about time I covered the games I said I'd cover in the post E3 vid, isn't it? So yeah we got the announcement of a new Transformers game, and it has nothing to do with Bayformers. In fact, not only is it based on Generation 1 for all you Gen 1ers, but its also a prequel for the current line in the toys and IDW comics (something I really need to start reading soon, I'm actually ashamed that I haven't yet), being the Combiner Wars. And with Platnium games as the main Development team... let's just say I have a few words... so what are my thoughts on Devastation? Well, unlike a lot of other people doing posts like this, I don't have nostalgia goggles for Generation 1, as I said during the Transformers Marathon last year. However, that doesn't mean I'm not excited to play this.
platnium games,
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Four people talking about E3 2015
EDIT: Version 2.0 of the video because for some reason I didn't catch the bad audio sync.
So what did we think of E3 2015?
Special thanks to CJ, Jeremy and Marissa for joining me on this.
Side note: Really excited for the new Need for Speed as I loved messing around in Need for Speed Underground 2 as a kid. My inner child is excited for Transformers Devastation, even though its not the Unicron Trillogy. And the other inner child in me wants a Yu-gi-oh game for the Holo Lense (or Magic the Gathering if it has a yu-gi-oh theme to it).
So what did we think of E3 2015?
Special thanks to CJ, Jeremy and Marissa for joining me on this.
Side note: Really excited for the new Need for Speed as I loved messing around in Need for Speed Underground 2 as a kid. My inner child is excited for Transformers Devastation, even though its not the Unicron Trillogy. And the other inner child in me wants a Yu-gi-oh game for the Holo Lense (or Magic the Gathering if it has a yu-gi-oh theme to it).
joint review,
multi console,
square enix,
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Sony E3 2015
Quick note, who was in charge of the vision mixer, when there's something on the screen, PEOPLE WATCHING THE STREAMS WANT TO FOCUS ON THE SCREEN, NOT EVERYTHING ELSE
- The Last Guardian: Looks ok, not a fan of how the feathers on the "griffon" are being rendered, but apart from that, it looks good
- Horizon Zero Dawn: It looks really fun to play and the world just looks gorgeous
- Hitman: Not much to say as it was a CGI trailer
- Street Fighter 5: It looks nice, but its still just another street fighter
- No Man's Sky: Pretty much what I said last year. I am considering picking it up though when I get a PS4
- Dreams: It looks nice, but its something that I can't really describe. I'm probably not going to pick it up because I'm not that kind of artist though. I could see people using it to make movies though for YouTube.
- Firewatch: I've got nothing
- Destiny The Taken King: It's a little hard to talk about an expansion to a game I've never played
- Assassins Creed Syndicate: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake: O.O Getting!
- Ronin: Eh
- EITR: Looks interesting
- Mother Russia Bleeds: That's a gameplay style I haven't seen in a while
- Crossing Souls: Meh
- Shenmue 3: Nothing to say, its a kickstarter
- Batman Arkham Knight: First person section?
- Project Morpheus: Something I need to test for myself before I form an opinion
- Playstation.Vue: Don't care
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III. I was so close to realizing my dream :( Maybe next year
- Disney Infinity 3.0: Still wanting to see fan movies people will make with these
- Star Wars Battlefront: I'll get to it later
- Uncharted 4: A thief's End: Looks like fun
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Sony at E3 2014. Impressions on the conference (or what i could see when the stream didn't glitch...
Sony Press Conference 2014
Pre show
Killzone DLC: Never cared about Killzone, don’t
care now
Actual Show (there were errors on
Polaris’s stream so I’ll do a update with whatever I missed)
Destiny: looks a lot like the original Halo
trilogy, it looks great and something that I would pick up. The Beta is available
July 17th
The Order: Amnesia with Werewolf Zombies?
Entwined: Tempest with Origami... I think. Its
pretty at least
Infamous First Light: Its Imfamous
Little Big Planet 3: The new characters look interesting
and they look like they could add a lot to the LBP formula. The game itself
looks great
Bloodborn: 1800’s Zombies
Farcry 4: The world looks nice, in terms of gameplay:
It looks like it plays like any other FPS
Dead Island 2: Getting really sick of Zombies...
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil edition: all the DLC
for PS4
Battlefield Hardline: Cops and Robbers. Nuff said
Magika 2: It looks interesting, but I can’t talk
much about it from the conference
Grim Fandango remastered: Interesting, but there
wasn’t anything to show
Devolver: The games look interesting, and worth
Let it Die: Suda51... What drug have you been
taking now?
ABZU: Journey, but this time under water
No Man’s Sky: Interesting, but I’m not sold on
the art style
Direct Uploads to YouTube and Twitch: it will be
helpful for Lets players and Streamers
Making Free to play games best on PS4: JUST AS
PS Now on selected Sony TV’s: Eh...
Playstation TV: Stream lagged so all that I know
is that its similar to a Playstation console
Mortal Kombat X: Gore much?
Powers: new graphic novel story/ TV show on the
PS4. It looks interesting... from the concept art
Ratchet and Clank the movie: it looks funny but
there wasn’t a lot shown off
Last of us Remastered: its Last of us, IN EVEN
Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain: It looks great, even if the trailer was just a
CG trailer and no game play
Grand Theft Auto 5 for PS4: its GTA 5...
Batman Arkham Knight: Gotham looks amazing but
Uncharted 4 A thief’s end: Is this the end of
Uncharted, because the trailer gave off that impression
Because of other commitments, next will be Nintendo. The Conference itself was ok, but a bit mediocre in comparison to last year's
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Impressions of the concluding Knight
It would appear that Rocksteady has been busy during the development of Arkham Origins. Earlier today they announced the conclusion to the Batman Arkham series, Batman Arkham Knight. They have been working on this title since the release of Arkham City and from the trailer, it would appear that their going out with a bang. Scarecrow looks to be the main villain in this game with Two-Face, Penguin and Harley Quinn also working on this plan. The setting is going to be one year after Arkham City and will have a bigger world then Arkham City, but I am not sure about it being bigger then Arkham Origins. One thing that has been confirmed is that you can finally, FINALLY drive the iconic Batmobile, which now has a design resembling several past iterations such as the Animated series and the Tumbler from the Nolan films. A Pre-order bundle was also released which allows you to play as Harley.
While I might not have a next gen console yet (this is being released for PS4,X-Bone X-Box One and PC) I am still very much looking forward to this game and will pick it up as soon as I have a PS4 (but first comes the PS3 for the two Kingdom hearts final mixes, and the WiiU for Smash 4). I do hope that you can play as Robin this time though as he was fun in the Arkham City DLC, Harley Quinn's Revenge.
Also, total number of times Arkham appears in this post: 10
While I might not have a next gen console yet (this is being released for PS4,
Also, total number of times Arkham appears in this post: 10
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