So not only have we ditched the Point and click gameplay (I hope as I don't want to direct a RPG party with a mouse), but we've ditched the horror gameplay entirely, "now... they're CUTE." See:
We have a traditional, old school RPG, which on the surface looks fun to play. The mechanics don't look too complicated, but my guess is that its because of the trailer, and hopefully it does have some depth. One problem I'm seeing at the moment, based on what little we know of it, the party members could be very "samey" if that makes sense. When you stop to look at it, there really aren't a lot of Animatronic characters in the series, just different interpretations of them, which could be the biggest problem with the game, "why should I pick Phantom Foxy over regular Foxy?" as an example. It looks like it may not be a problem for the Nightmare forms, but it might with some others.
Visuals wise, it looks nice, but some of the characters look scarier here then they did in the horror games, mainly The Puppet. As I said in my review of the four games last week, I don't find the animatronics scary, but here, there is an Uncanny Vally esque design to these. I can't really describe it based on just this picture, I need to see the characters in action, something I could say about the entire game itself. This is something I need more info on before I can form an opinion. I'll probably play it as I do like old school RPG's, but I will say. Scott, FOR THE LOVE OF PRIMUS, SLOW DOWN! I've seen RPG's rushed and they suffer for it, I'd rather not see this one suffer the same fate. I'll see you all for the Ignition and Battle for Karda Nui arcs tomorrow.