Showing posts with label MMM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMM. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

M.M.M: The Incredible Hulk. Now with 100% less Poodle and more refferences

We're skipping forward a bit here, purely because of what people believe to be cannon, what is and isn't in the MCU. When The Avengers was about to come out, I heard people saying that there wasn't a Hulk movie, that The Avengers was going to be the first Hulk movie for the Cinematic Universe... that's not completely true. Say hello to the only Hulk movie in the MCU: The Incredible Hulk.

Monday, 4 May 2015


This is pretty much going to be a month of M's. All the movies have the M rating to them, but for right now, M means Marvel. Now that Avengers: Age of Ultron is upon us, its time to see just how the Marvel's Cinematic Universe started out. We're going to be looking at the first three phases of the MCU in what I call, the Marvel Movie Marathon, or M.M.M for short. Now before I begin, I will not be covering Guardians of the Galaxy in this marathon, I'll save it for when I review Phase 3 and 4. Also, unlike what was said in the last review, as it was changed after that review was recorded, I won't be covering Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D here either, I want to dedicate more time to it then what I have at the moment.

Now, the ones paying attention would noticed I wrote "first three phases", but referred to Phase 3 and 4 separately. The reason: unofficially, there's a phase 0. I'll get to why later, but for now, time to review the, unofficially, first film in the MCU: Hulk.