Showing posts with label atari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atari. Show all posts

Monday, 6 July 2015

The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie: Care for a gaming history lesson?

Warning, while I do try to keep clean language here, due to the nature of the film, I won't be for this review, as there will be times I'm directly quoting the movie, or the Youtube series. I recommend older audiences reading this first before allowing younger kids to, to see if its suitable for them. Please note that if I get any complaints about young kids reading this first, I will ignore them.

I highly doubt there's a person reading this who hasn't herd of the AVGN, one of the oldest independent game reviews channels on Youtube that's still going if not the oldest (I haven't exactly cross referenced that so take it with a grain of salt, I don't want a repeat of The First Avenger). Primarily focusing on reviewing the awful games of the earlier generations, normally 16-bit and older, the AVGN quickly became the standard for gaming reviews on Youtube, even to the point where people called others trying to get into that market "AVGN clones". While that's not exactly the case nowadays, the channel itself is still relevant, due to the amount of care that goes into each review. So when James Rolfe, the man behind the AVGN character, made a Kickstarter to fund an AVGN movie, let's just say it was successful, which is why I'm reviewing it today. A review of a film which is also a review of a game regarded as the worst game ever made, it's time I "took you back to the past", though unlike him, not "to play the shitty games that suck ass", due to many reasons. Time to look at The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie.