Showing posts with label Animaniacs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animaniacs. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Animaniacs (2020): Just what the Hello Nurse ordered?

Yes, it has all gone mad since you went away.


Unless something drastic happens, such as what has happened this year, you don't really notice how much change happens in day to day life. Changes to yourself, your friends, family, the world as a whole, you become oblivious to it. So when something comes out and points out and make fun of just how much has changed in, say, 22 years, it comes as a massive shock. Considering what this year has been, it's safe to say that many could go for something comedic, something zany. And, well, who does zany better then the Warners? "They're baaaaack"


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Wakko's Wish: How much is a half penny worth anyway?

Tis the season to be merry, to sit around the fire and tell christmas stories... Unless you live where I do where fires have a strong chance of becoming bushfires, it is summer after all. But, on this christmas eve, let us return to 1999, travel to ACME Falls, for Wakko's Wish.

Friday, 19 June 2015

The Animaniacs: "Now that's comedy"

So for those who saw the Square Enix coverage on Wednesday, there was a line there that didn't make a lot of sense then. So it turns out my plan may have backfired, and before Pinkie could do any harm, we sedated her to try and get her back to normal. And seeing as we have it out, may as well take a look at something that is sure to make her smile in a way that doesn't put The Joker to shame.

I think its time we go to the "American animation renaissance" of the 90's, where animation once again bloomed, and characters old and new found homes once again. It was a simpler time, where characters only had to be themselves, comical, serious, where all that mattered is the world and their interactions.
So for now, come in, pull up a chair, dance, mingle. Say hi to Christopher Walken, because.