Sunday 18 June 2017

Mediaholics Podcast Episode 12: Post E3

One whole week of E3 news, and now two people come to talk about it before going to recover from a week of livestreams.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Transformers Marathon II; Beast Machines: Troop builder drones, everywhere!

What do you do after an initial toyline, repaints of said toyline with new figures made around ridiculous gimmicks and then a line of animals to robots? Apparently you make vehicles with faces and give the animals to the Borg where they nerf transformers? Um... Okay then... Let's see where this goes.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Transformers Marathon II; TF Beast Wars: People say this looks prime... why?

Welcome to the second Transformers Marathon, with the subtitle of Revenge of the Bay. But because I can't put the whole title into a tweet along with the link for the site, Transformers Marathon II in the title it is. While the first marathon primarily focused on the origins of the franchise, what I personally grew up with and the live action incarnations. This time it'll be focusing on what I never got into, in terms of the shows, and post bayformers shows... I kinda ran out of movies (to my knowledge). Six shows are up this time, the Japanese exclusives are for another time. Beast Wars, Beast Machines. Robots in Disguise 2001, Animated, Rescue Bots, and Robots in Disguise 2015. Some of these are going to be more Opening Impressions rather then reviews mostly just due to time, I am still working on the trailer after all. One of them being what's up first, the Beast wars. Time to find out what the whole Team Monkey> Truck thing is all about. Oh and as a side note, I've got nothing to say on the recent things happening in the IDW comics, so don't ask for my opinion on Onslaught x Blast Off.

Sunday 4 June 2017

LEGO Ideas Set number 21309: NASA Apollo Saturn V

"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." John F. Kennedy, Rice Stadium, September 12 1962.

Mediaholics Podcast Episode 11: PrE3

That time of the year again, so lets get the Pre show talk out of the way first.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Pokemon Adventures; Black and White: Not even going to touch the political joke

However its very easy to. I can almost hear it now, people being up in arms because the white dragon representing truth and the black dragon representing ideals. Why do I keep making jokes about racism when it comes to Unova? Because otherwise I'd have to try and think of original Trump jokes and that would imply I care about US politics. Welcome to Unova.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Suicide Squad: What happened to three strikes and you're out?

Or for that matter, how bad does one of these movies need to be in order for WB to consider this a failure? While yes I know the movies have been successful financially, none of them have been considered as good movies yet. To say nothing of the behind the scenes stories about this movie which make you consider how this movie was pushed this hard to be released, and you have to stop and wonder what they're smoking, and where you can get some. Welcome to the Suicide Squad.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer: Time to pull the rug out


If you noticed that the journal posts have been getting shorter, there is a good reason for it and I intend to cover it here in this review. This does not mean that Marissa's journals in New Leaf are ending (to my knowledge) and the reason one wasn't out this week is because she was very busy this week. I'm also not the one to speak to in regards to the stability of Mediaton anyway, as it is her project. Onward to the review!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Why is there going to be 7 Marvel movies next year?

Seriously, why? And yes I know they're not all MCU movies, but that's still a lot of Marvel Superheros, and that's before counting the new Lego game coming. Well, what does that mean for here? Basically, it means there's going to be quite a lot more Marvel stuff this year, as I'd rather not review 30 marvel movies in a row. Along with this review, I'm going to do the Sony Spider Man movies in July, to celebrate Homecoming. Septembers are going to become Superheroes month (however until I catch up, they're not going to be limited to September. Such as in November where I'll review the first Lego Marvel Super Heroes game to celebrate the new game. You know Holywood, too much of a good thing is an actual thing. Just saying... And please don't ask me to play catch up on something like Disney movies, I will die before I catch up to those!

Sunday 14 May 2017

Mediaholics Toybox: Revenge of The Fallen Leader Class Optimus Prime

Ahh Bayverse, you're going to be a pain in my ass again come October aren't you? You and Jem have now brought my bar so low that you make me question if I should review what I call the cinematic duo of the dammed. I'm doing another Transformers month next month because of that movie. But, I will admit that the mountain of Energon sent out of the bay bots' waste disposal units has some gems in among the rough smells of bloated corporations making movies to appeal to as many demographics as possible, even those who shouldn't be allowed to drive due to a lack of brain cells. One of those was the first movie as I'm often more lenient on first films as I expect there to be lessons learned from them. And some were, just the wrong ones. Another gem was in fact the Revenge of The Fallen toy line, which gained the most from the movies as it was a blast of creativity and throughout its run, gave us a wide variety of movie faithful bot and con designs and classic characters that were given the Classics revival with a touch of Bayverse realism to create some really interesting designs. Might do some more of those later as what movie toys I do have from RoTF I do enjoy overall. One of them being today's subject, the original trillogy version of that one bot who likes faces and the removal of them, Optimus Prime.