On the Facebook page for the site, I posted my stance on this video here:
The following, is a direct copy from the page, I am sharing it here because... well there are only 12 people following the page.
I completely agree with this, speaking as a content creator. Right
now, ignoring the Youtube side of future content, my reviews fall under
Fair Use. As the site grows, with more and more content going up, I run
the risk of these claims coming to me, and it'll become worse when I can
do more video content. I've been paying attention to what happened with
Youtube recently, and it is absolutely disgraceful how easily that
system can be
, has been, and will
probably continue to be abused. To say that it's broken is an
understatement, it barely worked in the first place.
I've seen channels almost taken down because of mistakes, and Youtube
not responding to both the channel, and the one trying to remove the
claim. I've seen the examples in this video as they were happening.
That's on top of content creators trying to copyright words in the
english dictionary, for the sake of taking down content, which they
easily did because of how broken it is. I'm not kidding when I say I'm
sitting on constant backups of content and a reserve site, just encase I
have to deal with this shit, with it being on the verge of new video
content coming soon, on a new channel. So yeah, I'm with them, I'm with
the content creators, where is the fair use?