Showing posts with label lego. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lego. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 January 2015

BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn. Bye Bye Babylon, hello... RomeIn the desert?

The quest for the Ignika, the longest plot in the BIONICLE Story line from the first Generation. 3 continents, two universes, 5 years of story with plans for it to go on longer... Who knew you could have so much of a plot revolving around a Mask of Life. Three years of the story revolves around the return of Mata Nui, not only showing the intent of the mask, to bring Mata Nui back to life, but to awaken him from the sleep Teridax put him in during the Metru Nui Arc. For the full story on just what happened, Links to the years are here (2006 2007 2008). I recommend you do this though if want to know what the heck is going on during the rest of the review... or at least the set up. With that though, 4 years after Web of Shadows, its time to go to a new universe entirely... kinda... Time to learn of Bara Magna's past, BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows. "So when the sun goes down"... I really need to fix this note mix up...

While it won't affect this review, going to bring it up now, I hate spiders, of any kind. Its actually for that reason that I remember not liking BIONICLE 3 as much as the first two (and is also one of the two reasons why I avoid re watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to this day... I see you laughing there, any day you want to stop).

One of the problems with a prequel sequel is that it can take away any sense of shock value. While it works for Legends of Metru Nui as, at the time, you could be forgiven for not making the connection that the Toa Metru are the Turaga from the Mata Nui Saga. However this becomes a problem for Web of Shadows as it serves as the bridge between Legends of Metru Nui, and the start of the Mata Nui Saga, Quest for the Masks. I've probably already spoiled it there but encase you want to know how it does so, time for the review of BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Bionicle 2: The Legends of Metru Nui. Trust me, this one will hopefully make more sense... maybe...

So now we come to the sequel... thats a prequel, but is also a prequel to its own sequel... and because the last review got way to long for its own good (which in hindsight was to be expected as its the same review twice... I won't be bringing out the Matoran font again (unless you want it to return...). 2004 is described as one of the best years for the series. The play sets are still loved to this day by a lot of people, the collectables were fun and the story was engaging... speaking on which...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Lego Movie: No I WILL NOT sing that song

While I can’t speak for everyone, I wish that there was more stop motion animation. I applaud people who go out of their way to make high quality stop motion animation and use the style to their advantage along with the material. Why do I say this, because Lego is generally the standard Stop Motion material as people tend to make their sets, characters and props out of Lego, because its so easy to do (in comparison to other stop motion styles like using Transformers toys). Movies made by Lego on the other hand are... forgettable for the most part. I only know of five other Lego movies, one of which I couldn’t name off the top of my head to save my life. To my knowledge, all of Lego’s films have been direct to VCR/DVD/Blu-ray and none of have come to or launched at a cinema (at least not where I live...)... until The Lego movie. So how does the Lego movie hold up?

Friday 8 August 2014

First Impressions: Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

My apologies for the delay on this one, I've been preoccupied for the morning.

Ah Lego, the innocent toy loved by children and hatted by wallets everywhere (some countries more so then others). It never ceases to amaze me what people have been able to make with the toy. From basic houses, to cranes, to armies of mass destruction, to a semi livable house (as long as water isn't involved). Everytime I think I've seen it all, something new comes out either from Lego themselves or from a fan that catches my interest. Nine years ago, Lego put out a Star Wars themed Lego game focusing on the plot of the prequel trilogy. The game itself is a lot of fun even if you don't know what star wars is or hate the prequel trilogy. Since then this model has been used in other games including 2 more Star Wars themed games (not including the complete series game that had all 6 films), Indiana Jones, The Lego Movie and of course the super heroes games for Marvel and DC. While I have enjoyed the first Lego Batman game, I never picked up the second one (at time of writing) as what little difficulty it had was, from what I've seen, removed when you could play as Superman early on in the game. So why has Lego Batman 3 taken my interest?

To look at the graphics would be a waste of time. Each of the games uses a fusion of Lego and world themed scenery for its levels, with the Lego generally being used on things you can break for studs (in game currency), collectables or to move on in the level and this is no exception. The art style still works for what it needs to do and I wouldn't change it.

Gameplay wise, if you're a DC fan, then your going to love this. While the core gameplay is exactly the same as every other Lego game using this model, the DC coat of paint has made this new and refreshing. The character selection for this is "If its a DC character, you can play as them" The Justice League, Lex Luthor and the Joker, Adam West (with a level inspired by the old Batman TV show), Super dog and more (the Lego games tend to have a very, very, very large roster of characters), the game will primarily take place on the Lanturn home world (i'm not a big Green Lantern fan... don't judge...), the level shown off at E3 was a assult on the villain occupied Watch Tower.

So why am I excited for this? Because I'm a nerd and while I might not be a GL fan, I am a fan of Batman and the Justice League in general. Will I pick this up? Yes... after I've played Batman 2 because this is a continuation of it. Will I review it? Yes. Speaking of reviews, there will be one next week. I am done with the impressions, the next review will be Kickassia.