Sunday 14 April 2019

The Wolverine: I hope you can understand Japanese

While I won't be going into them this year, as it will be better to them all next year, Fox's timeline for the X-Men took two distinct splits. The Wolverine trilogy, which is being covered this year, set in the same time as the original trilogy, and a second timeline with almost a whole new cast. Why? Because I'm guessing X-Men Origins: Jimmy did well enough to try and keep this thing going, which leads us to The Wolverine. Is it better than Origins? Yes, but that ain't saying much.

The following has all been done through Google translate cause the Japanese lessons I took as a child has been almost entirely lost on me. Sorry if anyone who does speak Japanese hates this.

X-メン3のイベントの後に設定されて、ローガンは絶えず彼女を殺すことについて罪悪感を感じたためにジャングレイの悪夢に苦しんで隠れて戻ってきました。第二次世界大戦中に長崎に落下した原爆から彼が救った男にさよならを言う要求の後、ローガンは彼が力の真空に巻き込まれることになってしまう日本に旅行します。 The man he saved from the bomb turns out to be the head of one of Japan's biggest tech companies, and in three days after his death, his granddaughter will take over. その結果、彼女の祖父がSilver Samurai装甲に新しい家を見つけている間、彼女の婚約者と一緒に女の子の父は彼女の死を望み、ヤクザの助けを求めています。永遠に生きる。Logan, along with the help of a new mutant named Yukio must protect the granddaughter, along with Logan himself to try and restore the Yashida name.

それがめちゃくちゃに聞こえるならば、それはそうです。ここでは多くの対話が日本語で行われているため、特に字幕がオフになっている場合は、ここでストーリーを追跡するのは困難です。 2人の悪役である父親と祖父が明らかになったとき、私はショックを受けず、混乱しました。 It transitions from "The Yakuza are doing this for power" to "The dad is doing this cause he's jealous of his daughter getting the company", which at least makes sense and is set up well in the film, to "Viper's the villain and is doing this for... some reason...", to "haha, it was me, the dead man, all along! Allow me to cut off your claws and... drain your healing power through some holes I dig in your Adamantium claws, which will somehow give you your bone claws back, but there's enough Adamantium still in your body to let Magneto control you again"... more on that last part next year. それは私がそれをレビューしていたときに字幕を持っていなかったことが私には物事が起こっていたときに少なくともLoganと同じくらい混乱させました。それはずさんな感じがしますが、少なくともJimmyはまとまりがなくひどいものでしたが、それでも満足のいくものになるようにうまく設定されていました。

The presentation is ok. I do like the fact that they stuck to a mostly Japanese cast, and the locations were really well handled. As fake as it looked, I did enjoy the Bullet Train fight, and many of the fight scenes were well choreographed. The CGI though still doesn't look that good, and the effects of Logan healing himself go all over the place depending on the wound, which is really distracting. それは、これらの映画では流行している傾向にあるように見えます。キャストよりも効果に重点が置かれています。ジミーがあちこちでひどいので、私は確かに言うことはできません。映画のリリースのタイミングのせいで、私は最悪の影響がSteel Samurai装甲だと思います。ウルヴァリンは2013年に登場しました、そして、私はIron Manの装甲がMCU映画の中に実際に存在すると喜んで信じることができますが、これは親指の痛みのように際立っています。 。その戦いについての唯一の良いところは?投げナイフとして使用されているWolverineのカット爪を見ていました。

I like The Wolverine more then I did Jimmy. Enough to see it again after this review? Probably not. It was mediocre at best, and though that is a step up from Jimmy, there are still other X-Men movies I would rather see compared to it. I would genuinely rather see The Last Stand, but that's because there are some genuinely cool moments in The Last Stand. Magneto lifting the Golden Gate Bridge is still impressive looking to this day, which makes me question what happened to the post-production side with these films. Up next, a movie that should have been MA 15+, but wasn't, and a movie that is, with Venom, followed by Logan.

If you aren't a fan of what Google Translate is saying what those sentances are, click the following link: Why did I do it? An example of what it feels like to watch the movie without subtitles.

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